Title: Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
Other Title: 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない ; 鸣鸟不飞 ; Saezuru Tori ha Habatakanai ; Song Birds Can't Fly ; Twittering Birds Never Fly ; Złamane Skrzydła
Author: Yoneda Kou
Artist: Yoneda Kou
Year: 2011
Link: mangapark
Yakuza Yashiro, who only ever loved Kageyama, meets a new bodyguard, Doumeki Chikara. Unfortunately, the latter is impotent.
The masochistic, lewd and beautiful yakuza Yashiro and his silent, clumsy, impotent subordinate, Doumeki.
This is the story of a man who has never known happiness and of a man who is reborn by getting to know him.
Thank you for reading ^^